Custom Food Packaging in San Diego, CA

Client Mochichi's LLC
Completed May 2024
Timeframe 3 Months
Location San Diego, CA
Mochichi’s is a new donut and ice cream store making a big splash in San Diego. They came to Peek Packaging to create custom packaging that would make them stand out from every other donut store. So many donut stores have the same generic boxes, and they wanted something that would reflect the fun feeling of getting a box of donuts.
We started with a standard donut box. These are called Beers Trays in the industry and are used for donut boxes for good reason. They deliver flat and can easily fit underneath a counter for easy access. The boxes can pop up and assemble instantly so orders can be taken care of right away. This means shorter lines, happier customers, and more donuts out the door.
The real magic with these boxes is in the artwork. Mochichi’s has a beautiful brand with bold vibrant colors and a memorable Groundhog mascot named Chuck. The 3 pack donut boxes and 6 pack donut boxes are printed to look like they are covered in dozens of Mochichi’s brand stickers. This creates an unique brand identity that pairs perfectly with their tagline, “The Donut Underground”.
Their flagship box is the 12-pack donut box. This box features a large image of their mascot, Chuck, on the front of the box. The box was designed so that Chuck’s hair comes physically out of the box. This makes the artwork physically pop out of the box. This box was also printed on the inside to reflect the stickered look like the other two boxes.
Mochichi’s wanted something to set them apart, and we delivered custom donut boxes that no one can forget.